TestNet-v0.2 (2019-04-30)
Data Provider Support : We add a key role in our network, data provider
. In TEEX network, data providers make money from selling temporary access to some of their data, rather than handing over a copy. One of the greatest concerns of data providers is data privacy that they are fear of executors or data comsumers stealing their data.
To add the data provider in our network, we modify/add the following components:
: We add it to help a data provider upload a data to TEEX network. -
: We modify it to allow a service provider assign a required data list to a TEEX secure service. -
: We modify it to allow a user assign a requiest data list to a task. -
Service Manager
: We modify it to store the assigned data list for a TEEX secure service. And we also allow the service manager to provide data server and key server functionalities for the data provider. -
Worker Node
: We modify it to pull the requred data for a task. -
Smart Contract in Layer-1 Blockchain
: We modify it to add the logic about data provider and enforce the security of each data accessing.
Multi-file Service : In the TestNet-v0.2, we allow the service provider to updata a complex TEEX secure service which contains multiple python file. In the TestNet-v0.1, each TEEX secure service can only contain one python file.
To support this functionality, we modify the following components:
: We modify it to allow a service provider upload a TEEX secure service with multiple python files. -
Service Manager
: We modify it to manager the multi-file service. -
Worker Node
: We modify to download and execute the multi-file service securely.